ICS 62: Game Technologies and Interactive Media

Spring Quarter, 2016

  • Export your model from homework 2 from Blender and email it (or send it in another way) to your beta teammates.
  • Create (individually, not as a team) a game in Unity 3D that uses your homework 2 model, your beta teammates' models, and at least one free asset from Unity's Asset Store (in the Window menu, choose Asset Store). It's fine if the game is very similar to Roll A Ball. Your new game should have at least two new scripts written by you. Upload to the EEE Dropbox "ICS 62 - Hw 3" a Word file (or a PDF) which contains:
    1. A paragraph describing your game and how to play it. If the game is incomplete or buggy, explain the development status.
    2. A brief list of your model, your teammates' models, and the Asset Store model.
    3. The source code for all scripts you wrote (or modified, if you are starting from Roll A Ball). You can select the text in the editor, and copy and paste it into Word.
    4. Several screen shots of the game being played; make sure the assets are visible.
  • Read The Rhetoric of Video Games by Ian Bogost. Write a paragraph or two about how (or whether) the game you proposed in homework 2 uses procedural rhetoric. Upload a Word or PDF file named Rhetoric containing that paragraph to the EEE Dropbox "ICS 62 - Hw 3".