ICS 62: Game Technologies and Interactive Media

Spring Quarter, 2016

Homework 1 - due Wednesday, April 6, at 11:55pm.

The goal of homework 1 is to become familiar with the two large software systems we will be using this quarter, Unity 3D and Blender.

  1. For this week, use code 81296 to enter the COGS lab. Later, you can find your individual COGS Lab five digit key code at the EEE Gradebook assignment "COGS Key Code". Commit it to memory and use it whenever you enter the lab.
  2. You are welcome to use Unity 3D (version 5.2.1f1) and Blender (version 2.75a) in the COGS lab, but if you want to install them on your own computer, now is a good time. (http://unity3d.com/get-unity and http://www.blender.org/download/)
  3. If you save a file in the COGS lab on the Desktop or in My Documents, it is only accessible on that computer. The file may be lost if the computer is broken or is reformatted. A better approach is to store files on the ICS servers - as an undergraduate you have 0.5GB. You can "map" the ICS server as a "network drive" to a drive letter; H: is commonly used. See Mapping - Windows for instructions.
  4. To introduce Blender,
    1. Go to Blender's Tutorials page. Lots of great lessons here; for homework 1 we will just scratch the surface. Ideally, watch these videos on dual monitors (as in the COGS lab - bring earphones), and follow along in Blender as the video progresses.
    2. Click on "Introduction for Beginners, which will take you to Introduction to Blender at CG Cookie. Work through the free "00: Blender Basics", which has six short lessons.
    3. Work through the following videos from the Blender 3D Design Course:
      1. Lesson 01 - The Blender Interface: just 01-10 - Primitive Mesh Objects (most of the other tutorials in Lesson 01 cover material you are now familiar with)
      2. Lesson 02 - Manipulating Objects in 3 Dimensional Space: all 13 tutorials
      3. Lesson 03 - Edit Mode / Mesh Modeling: lessons 03-01 through 03-04
  5. In Blender, create the letters I, C, and S as 3D meshes. Don't use Blender's text tool to create the shapes. If you are ambitious, do something interesting with surfaces, colors, and lighting. Take a screen shot of your Blender window showing your artwork (to capture only the active window, in Windows, use Alt-Print Screen; in Mac OS X use Apple key-Shift 4), and paste this into a Word doc. Upload that Word doc (or a PDF of it) to the EEE Dropbox "ICS 62 - Hw 1". This file can be turned in without late penalty through Saturday, April 9, at 11:55pm.
  6. To introduce Unity, watch the Project: Roll-a-Ball videos on the Unity web site. Follow along in Unity and actually create the game.
  7. Take a screen shot of your finished game while you are playing it (to capture only the active window, in Windows, use Alt-Print Screen; in Mac OS X use Apple key-Shift 4), and paste this into a Word doc. Upload that Word doc (or a PDF of it) to the EEE Dropbox "ICS 62 - Hw 1".
You should start homework 1 during your discussion on Wednesday, March 30, and complete it on your own time.