ICS 62: Game Technologies and Interactive Media

Spring Quarter, 2016

Project, part 6

  • Continue development at a fever pitch.

  • Have a team meeting (at a place of your choice) on Tuesday, May 31, from 2:00 - 3:20 pm (the lecture period; there will be no lecture).

  • (Team assignment.) Write a "one-pager" that provides an overview of your game. You should include
    1. The game name
    2. The names of the team members
    3. A one paragraph description of the persuasive goal and the game
    4. One or more images/screenshots from the game (keep them pretty small)
    5. A list of all assets (art, models, textures, animations, sounds, music, etc.) in the game that were not completely created by the team. If you started with something made by someone else and then modified it, list it and describe the modification. Give the source/creator name for each such asset.
    This document is called a "one-pager" because it is usually one page, but if your list of assets goes onto additional pages, that is fine. Upload the one-pager to the EEE DropBox "ICS 62 - One pager" by 11:55pm on Wednesday, June 1. It should be a Word or PDF file, and name is fine.