ICS 62: Game Technologies and Interactive Media

Spring Quarter, 2016

Project, part 3 - (partly) due Thursday, May 12, at 11:55pm

  • In discussion on May 11, give a three to four minute introduction to your team's persuasive goal and game. This should be completely verbal, without slides or gameplay demos. Each team can decide whether one member does the speaking, or multiple members each take a turn - but don't let it go too long.

  • To be completed individually: Download ScheduleAndRealityTable.docx, edit the team name and replace "Peter Anteater" with your name. Fill in the "planned" column with the column under your name from the part 2 schedule your team turned in on May 7, and fill in the "week 7 actual" box with a short summary of what you have accomplished as of either week 7 discussion or Thursday, May 12. If you want to make additional comments about your progress and your team's progress, you can do so below the table. Upload this document to the EEE Dropbox "ICS 62 - Proj 3". Recommended: each team member shares this document with teammates.