ICS 62: Game Technologies and Interactive Media

Spring Quarter, 2016

Project, part 1 - due Thursday, April 28, at 11:55pm (draft due Sunday, April 24, at 11:55pm)
  • Complete this assignment as a team. Upload one copy per team to the EEE Dropbox "ICS 62 - Proj 1".
  • Create a Word document that contains the following:
  • But before you finalize all of the above, turn in a draft on or before Sunday, via an upload to the "ICS 62 - Proj 1draft" Dropbox (just one copy per team). The draft should be no more than one page long, and should include the team member names and an early version of the proposal. No need to include the list of assets in the draft. With any luck, Prof. Frost will provide comments to the team members on Monday.